Duelist Synergy di Game TFT [ TeamFight Tactics ] Mobile

Описание к видео Duelist Synergy di Game TFT [ TeamFight Tactics ] Mobile

TeamFight Tactics Mobile Set 11 - Patch 14.10

Teamfight Tactics Set 11 TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables gameplay by Arksara! Teamfight Tactics new set 11 gameplay showcasing the TFT best comps in Inkborn Fables set 11. I'll be running all the crazy and cool TFT combos with 10 Mythic, 10 Storyweaver, 8 Umbral, 10 Fated, 7 Fortune, 5 Dragonlord, 8 Bruiser, 4 Reaper and full 3 star Mythic soon! Hope you'll enjoy my Set 11 Inkborn Fables gameplay !

Duelist 6
Yasuo 3 Star - Volibear 3 Star

#teamfighttactics #tft #tftindonesia #set11 #arksara


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