Fast AP Farming Guide for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Описание к видео Fast AP Farming Guide for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Welcome to Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Coverage with Gatabud.

Need Fast AP Farming? Also want to not use Chapter Select and stay in hard mode and not lose progress on whatever you were doing? You came to the right place.

0:00 Intro & Prerequisites
2:10 Materia Overview
4:16 Fast AP In Action
14:23 Results & Recap
17:18 My thoughts on Alternatives that i did not discover myself

I am a career software engineer and lifelong gamer here to have some fun with the world as we defy fate together in Final Fantasy VII. I have played Final Fantasy since the 90s, and consider myself to be a series expert.

Subscribe for how-to's, wisdom, and occasionally some fun with my 5 year old son.

I'm on twitter and Instagram @gatabud


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