Redefining Creativity as an Autistic Person | Joshua Friedberg | TEDxEarlhamCollege

Описание к видео Redefining Creativity as an Autistic Person | Joshua Friedberg | TEDxEarlhamCollege

In his talk, Josh Friedberg speaks from his perspective as an autistic person and redefines creativity as doing things differently than established norms dictate. He also performs the song that he wrote at Earlham College that changed his life and his conception of creativity. Josh Friedberg, an Earlham College alum from the class of 2011, lives in Chicago, has a master's degree in English, and has published over 30 articles as an essayist and music historian. He has also won multiple awards from communications contests for his writing. For many years, however, as an autistic person, he assumed he wasn’t creative because his ideas about everything were different from others’. He shares his creative journey in the hopes that others will be inspired to do creative work, regardless of whatever seeming limitations they have. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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