Testing the American Kestrel 12 (Improved changes?)

Описание к видео Testing the American Kestrel 12 (Improved changes?)

This is a laser-cut model and after making a few changes to the original design, I wanted to see if this is flying better.

Build Kits and Plans are available!

This was flying very well this evening! I should have only adjusted one configuration at a time, but I got very eager to try several things.

1) It has less dihedral on the main center wing joint. I was hoping to change the lift vector more upwards.

2) The wing was moved back a 1/8th inch. It seemed a bit too loopy, so by moving the wing back I was hoping to have a straighter launch.

3) I glued the vertical stabilizer to the side of the fuselage (instead of on the bottom of the fuselage.

All in all, I think the results were promising! Which makes me happy! ;-)

Brad and Bruce are brothers-- just having some fun building, sharing, and flying various things-- including experimental catapult balsa gliders to free background music because they are cheap! (but, the music is good... kudos to the music artists!)

Distant Lands by Hanu Dixit

Enjoy flight and enjoy life!



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