Day 3 : What is Randonauting? A 'Close-by' Randonaut!

Описание к видео Day 3 : What is Randonauting? A 'Close-by' Randonaut!

Hello there!

Today's video delves into the world that is Randonauting!

It was rainy but the air was still and fresh! I picked up my phone and began randonauting. So simple and spontaneous 🙌😊😉

Randonauting utilises quantum number generators spitting out 'random' points to which we then travel to. There is an aspect to this that is 'intention' driven. It has been proven, although not well understood that the human mind is capable of altering the quantum field which unequivocally affects the numbers being generated on the app!

I intended to come across something close by which I did. I was however pleasantly surprised with what I encountered before ending my journey. Amazing!! ✨🦜🥰Hello there!


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