How stress impacts the teen brain and What parents can do

Описание к видео How stress impacts the teen brain and What parents can do

Our teenagers are living through incredibly stressful times. Their brains, however, are not yet equipped with the levels of protection that we, as adults, have.
The impact of this can be far-reaching across their sense of self, their learning and their emotional well-being. Given that we, as parents, cannot always take the source of stress away for our teenager, we have to look at other ways we can support our teenager through times of stress. Understanding what is happening in their brain when stressed helps us to be more aware of the ways we can do this.

In this lesson, we discuss:

+ What stress does to the teenage brain
+ What the signs are that your teenager is experiencing stress and that they may need some support with this
+ How stress affects different areas of their lives

We finish with some strategies that you can use to support your stressed teenager and to help improve their emotional well-being.


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