Star Trek Deep Space Nine Trivia

Описание к видео Star Trek Deep Space Nine Trivia

(Episode 43 originally aired on November 20, 2019)

Show notes & transcript:

Our third trip into the Star Trek universe and out to the Frontier with Benjamin Sisko and the crew of Deep Space Nine. It’s my personal favorite Star Trek series (and one of my all-time favorites). How well do you know the fourth series and the only one to take place on space station?

As always, we have three rounds of ten questions each. Each round is harder than the last. If you’re looking for a score sheet or rules, check out our Rules page (

When you’re done defending the Alpha Quadrant from the Dominion, please take a moment to drop a five-star review on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcast fix. We’d really appreciate it.

Music by Kevin McLeod at


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