❝I just want you to want me

Описание к видео ❝I just want you to want me

HELLO ! So you thought that you had seen the last of me ... But ah ! I am still alive and still editing somehow.
So I guess that my first and last video of the year will not be a KatsuDeku video. But I do not mind as it is still featuring a gay ship (I only live for my gays... ). Speaking about KatsuDeku videos, I had a lot of ongoing projects on my other laptop. However, I do not know if I will be able to finish them because I cannot open SV anymore on my old laptop.

I scheduled this video so that it will be uploaded on the 31st of December. So I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

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Wow... many events happened in my life during the past few years so I am not even sure what I should write, except that it feels good to edit a new video (which is not related to KatsuDeku ! So surprising I know !).

I've left my home and my family because of my work. I had to adapt to a new lifestyle. It was really difficult for me. And since I was mainly focused on my work, I also decided to leave my old laptop on which I used to edit with SV at my previous home. So when I came back to my homeland during holidays, I tried to open SV but it was not working anymore (dunno why). Thus, I decided to install a "new" SV on my computer that I mostly use for working, because I felt the urge to edit again (thanks to my KatsuDeku feelings, like always haha).

2 years ago, I decided to watch this lovely anime and I was so deeply immersed in this pairing. So yesterday night, I edited this short video for 3 hours because it is really easy to cut and mix clips of this anime. I love the graphics, the story and the characters. I had the time of my life while editing this video.
My main inspiration was :    • 【GS】All The F*cking Time - Live-actio...  
Go check them out. Among all the studios I've been in, I think it is the only one which is still uploading MEPs.

Most of the studios that I belonged to or followed have closed and I understand the decision of the leaders. It is already awesome that these studios were still open until now! I felt a wave of nostalgia crashing over me when I realised how time had passed by ! I still remember when I was talking to my editor friends all night (because at that time, we had different time zones) or all day. We shared softwares, ideas and created various MEPs together.

I cannot say how long I will keep editing. Every year, I always tell myself that I will "retire" definitively. But here I am, still making videos because it is fun and because, I do not feel any pressure like before : meeting deadlines, trying to find innovative ideas or effects, etc. I just have the blast of my life playing with SV, with the animes that I love, using my creativity freely, trying new effects or new colorings. It feels exhilarating.

I do not know if I will upload other videos in 2024 (my real life is so hectic right now but I so adore it !).
I have other projects that I've started on my work laptop (mainly KatsuDeku that I am impatient to share with you) that I really want to finish before saying "goodbye" forever. I will just like to tell you that I will always cherish every moment that I've spent on Youtube. I have seen this platform change, seen some of my online friends growing from teenagers to adults just like me. I have chatted with people from different nationalities while we were forming just one editing community. I have seen people improving and trying to find themselves at the same time. It was one hell of an adventure and all this experience is still useful to me.
Thanks to all editors all around the world for all your hardwork and for expressing your passions through your videos.
For the people who are still around, keep up the good work ! You are amazing just the way you are (don't even doubt about this fact). If you want to keep editing, do it. If you want to "retire", do it ! Just remember you were there, that you did a VERY great job and that all these memories will always be in your mind !

AND ... LOL, this sounds like a goodbye description which is not. Anyway, I've written a novel so I better stop !
See you around (maybe !). Take care of yourself ! And remember... Enjoy your life to its fullest !


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