[071] - Magna Carta 2 - 100% Guide

Описание к видео [071] - Magna Carta 2 - 100% Guide

Starting back in Cota Mare, were going to do a few quests before we talk to the Chieftain. They can be done in a different order, but I'm going to do it the way that I prefer. The first quest can be picked up in the center of town, by talking to Juntsi.


Quest #92: Rescue Marith
Where: Cota Mare
Who: Junsti
How: Perform Nova Slash with Crocell and Juto to finish this quest.
Reward: 3000 XP.


You'll need to save Marith... she's trapped in Navyblue Marsh. When you get there, start attacking the monster only to find out that you're doing absolutely no damage. Just keep attacking the creature... until you eventually learn the Co-op Technique [Nova Blast]. Equip a Fireball on Crocell, and a Two-Handed Sword on Juto.

Build up 9 Kan between your two characters, and go into overdrive with one character. As you go to switch to another character, press right on the directional pad when the symbol comes up on your screen. This will perform the co-op technique. The beast will be defeated after this attack is over, so go and talk to Marith after to finish the quest.

We're automatically brought back to Cota Mare, and after some questioning from Zephie we can take control of our characters again. Do some shopping on Cota Mare if you feel like it at this point because we'll be setting out shortly. If you read your cube mail, you can see we've got a piece of mail about Malaccia. Jeroha will send us some information regarding his whereabouts, which is only availalbe if you spoke to Malacca the previous three encounters and cleared Juto's mind.


Quest #93: Rescue Malaccia
Where: Cota Mare
How: This quest is only unlocked if you talked to Malaccia the previous 3 times in the game. You will get cube mail regarding his capture after you've cleared Juto's Mind.
Reward: 3000 XP.


Now we can warp to Dunan Field using the Navyblue Marsh pillar. Once you're there, get back to the Dunan Rest Area and talk to the Boss' son for another quest.


Quest #94: Revenge Thief
Where: Dunan Rest Area
Who: Boss's Son
How: Go to Ruhalt Plateau to meet up with the thief.
Reward: 3000 XP.


From the Dunan Rest Area, go to the Cave of the Hermit. It can be found in the Reinpolt Ruins. If you recall, this was the place that Crocell's father spoke of in his letter. When you get there, make Crocell your party leader and speak to the man there. You'll finish up the quest from Crocell's father, and you can then talk to him for another quest.


Quest #95: The Reeden Seal Stones
Where: Cave of the Hermit
Who: Kenaros
How: Get the keys for the corresponding stones and unlock them. Once you have, slay the beast and return to Kenaros to finish this.
Reward: 5000 XP, Bakuryu Ball.


After all of that running around, we're ready to return to Cota Mare so that we may speak to their chief.


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