Office Hours - Build Hybrid Cloud Connectivity using Cloud Native Services

Описание к видео Office Hours - Build Hybrid Cloud Connectivity using Cloud Native Services

Private Data Centers and Cloud Service Providers are vastly different environments, both built to provide the same services: flexible and scalable compute resources contained in a secure and automated connectivity matrix.

Divergent design fundamentals initially separated these environments but modern application requirements like micro-services, constant uptime, and significant throughput homogenize both hosting types.

Building an IT ecosystem that can empower application mobility and communication between Cloud and On-Prem environments while standardizing both settings' Discovery, Connectivity, Security, and Observability is a major headache for IT teams. Prosimo instantly solves many of the numerous woes in administering such a scenario, like:

1. Building secure connectivity from cloud to on-prem without dedicated private circuits (ExpressRoute, DirectConnect, etc.).
2. Enabling actionable observability on end-to-end app flows and identifying problematic segments.
3. Maintaining VRF segmentation between the DC and CSP environments.


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