Elements of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard: Create Your Nonprofit GPS

Описание к видео Elements of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard: Create Your Nonprofit GPS

This session will be led by Hilda Polanco of BDO who will be joined by Dana Britto Consultant to nonprofits and foundations and moderator at Nonprofit Financial Commons.

As always we will be joined in this session by nonprofit leaders who will share their dashboards along with the thinking and processes behind them. Resources will be made available to consider various software and DIY options.

This seminar will provide attendees with:

An understanding of what typical KPI arrays include for different business models;
An understanding of leadership practices to optimize dashboard use;
Discussion of how to distinguish between leading and lagging indicators, and how, when and why to choose comparisons to previous performance, goals, and budget;
Case examples of dashboards that are well-tailored and utilized;
Ways to use dashboards to establish the disciplines of rapid cycle testing (innovation) in your organization;
And much more


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