Quran Tafsir #17: Surah Al-Mu'minun & Surah An-Nur | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi & Shaykh Sajjad Gul

Описание к видео Quran Tafsir #17: Surah Al-Mu'minun & Surah An-Nur | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi & Shaykh Sajjad Gul

00:00 Quran Recitation | Shaykh Hafiz Sajjad
10:51 Introduction
11:29 Surah Al-Muminun[#23] | Context & background
12:06 23.V1-11 | It describes the believers in seven characteristics | Notice, there are no conditions or clauses
15:07 23.V23-50,44 | Stories of previous prophets | The default rule is people don’t want to follow the prophets
16:00 23.V53,54 | The beauty of this world, or power or fame, does not mean Allah is pleased with them
17:24 23.V57-60 | To doubt your own piety is the essence of piety | To feel confident with your piety is the essence of arrogance | Umar(ra) begging Huthayfah(ra), to know if he (Umar) was among the list of hypocrites
21:19 23.V67-70 | Time is precious | Playing & entertainment have a role in our lives, but when our lives become primarily about playing & entertainment, & we abandon that which is far more noble, surely that is not a sign of wisdom
23:07 23.V71 | Societies whose morality is not rooted in religion, we see so many social ills & the fabric of society ruptured from its very core
24:41 23.V78,79 | Many blessings given to mankind (hearing, eyesight, alternation of night & day)
25:21 23.V84-92 | The theology of idolatry is then challenged | The evidence of the impossibility of there being multiple Gods | Even in our own world, it's impossible more than one person in charge of any major thing(captain of ship, CEO of company)
29:39 23.V99-103 | Powerful verses about death | Clear manifestation of the regret of those who spent a lifetime of doing nothing
32:43 23.V109-111 | Two categories | Whatever you do, don’t make fun of the people of religiosity, because of their religion
35:27 23.V112-117 | Don't be amongst those people who accuse Allah of not giving enough time | Imagine a student in an exam at the end complaining he never had enough time | Everyone had the same time
37:51 23.V118 | Memorize this duaa
38:07 Surah An-Nur[#24] | Context & background | Occupies an important role in the Seerah | It was revealed after the infamous incident of the evil slander about the honour of our mother Aisha(ra)
39:09 24.V1-3 | All of the penal codes(punishments) of Islam are done in courts of law judged by Islamic Law in Islamic Lands | Not done by individuals adhoc
40:42 24.V4-10,13 | Rules of accusing people of fornication | Four eyewitness | Mutual cursing | The psychology of Islamic Punishments is very clear | They are meant as a deterrent | They are rarely applied, even historically
43:40 24.V11,12,15,16 | The hypocrites accused our mother Aisha(ra) of a heinous vulgarity | Gossip is a tool of Satan to make us feel better than other people, to make us have a self-piety to ourselves | This doesn’t refer to a predator or an oppressor – that person needs to be warned against
48:41 24.V22 | Abu Bakr(ra) is reminded to be generous & forgive his relative Mistah(ra), who was one of those who spread the slander | Forgiving others that have genuinely wronged us, when we have the upper hand is the way to earn Allah's forgiveness
49:23 24.V11 | Wisdom in calamity | Don’t think this whole episode was bad for you, rather it was good for you overall | Hypocrites reality was exposed
51:18 24.V26 | When we are looking to get married we should find somebody who is a righteous person, as that will impact us | Likes attract
52:02 24.V32 | Allah encourages marriage amongst those who are single | Don’t make marriage difficult, because if you restrict the halal, the haram will increase
54:37 24.V27,28,58,59,61 | Etiquettes | Don’t barge into people’s houses without permission | Whenever you enter a house you should say Salaam
56:22 24.V30,31,60 | Lowering the gaze for both genders | Khimaar in Arabic is the cloth that covers the head
1:01:57 24.V35 | Verse of light | It is the most oft-commented verse in the Quran | No verse in the Quran has been subjected to more Tafseer & treatises than this verse
1:05:46 Quran Recitation | Shaykh Hafiz Sajjad

East Plano Islamic Center Masjid
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