How NodeJS Works? - You don't Know NodeJS

Описание к видео How NodeJS Works? - You don't Know NodeJS

Hey Everyone, In this video, we will understand How NodeJS internally works? We'll deep dive into the concepts of Event Loop, Worker Threads, and Single Threaded Architecture of NodeJS.

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NodeJS Event Loop

00:00 Introduction
01:25 NodeJS Architecture
04:00 How NodeJS Code Executes?
08:05 Thread Pool
11:05 Event Loop in NodeJS
15:00 Understand Event Loop with Code
29:55 Worker Threads in NodeJS
34:33 Increasing Worker Threads
37:08 NodeJS vs Other Programming Languages
41:15 Promise Handling in NodeJS
42:32 Outro

Video Titles
How NodeJS work?
Internal Architecture of NodeJS
what is Event Loop?
How NodeJS Handles Requests
NodeJS Single Threaded Architecture
Multi-threading with NodeJS

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