"How to Build a Meaningful Career" by Taylor Poindexter and Scott Hanselman (Strange Loop 2023)

Описание к видео "How to Build a Meaningful Career" by Taylor Poindexter and Scott Hanselman (Strange Loop 2023)

The average person will spend a third of their life at work. Let’s do our best to make sure our day to day work aligns with what increases our happiness as opposed to decreasing it. How can you focus on what lifts your spirit while acknowledging the complexities of both people, software, and corporations? Humans are squishy. Join Taylor and Scott as they give you tips on how to create a meaningful career that brings you joy and uplifts those humans around you.

Taylor Poindexter

Taylor Poindexter is the co-founder of Black Code Collective, an organization that strives to create a safe space for software engineers to thrive, and she is also an Engineering Manager at Spotify. In her downtime you can find her adventuring, tweeting about tech, creating whiskey videos for Instagram.

Scott Hanselman

Scott has been a developer for 30 years and has been blogging at https://hanselman.com for 20 years! He works in Open Source on .NET and the Azure Cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, Oregon. Scott has been podcasting for over 850 episodes of http://hanselminutes.com over 17 years and over 700 episodes of http://www.azurefriday.com. He's written a number of technical books and spoken in person to over one million developers worldwide! He's also on TikTok, which was very likely a huge mistake.


Recorded Sept 21 at Strange Loop 2023, St. Louis, MO.


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