Edge of the Earth | An NFS: Hot Pursuit Remastered Cinematic

Описание к видео Edge of the Earth | An NFS: Hot Pursuit Remastered Cinematic

Alongside Ace Combat, there was an another game that I could never put down as a kid. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit was a significant pillar of my past racing game experiences and truly fuelled my appreciation for exotic cars. The exhilarating sensation of high speed races and chases, with some of the finest automobiles from the late 20th and 21st century is something that this game promised and delivered. There was no reason to put this game down. From the time I saw the debut trailer and how well 30 Second to Mars' "Edge of the Earth" contributed to the fanboying sensation, I knew I needed to have this game.

Its remaster in 2020 was one of the best things that came out during the pandemic, giving me another reason to pick the controller up again. And as of this year, it turned out that this game was not only a nostalgic experience for me, but ‪@darkdizzy_‬ as well. Apart from our previous collaborations, we've had and continue to have numerous Hot Pursuit Remastered sessions because it reminds us why we love this game. And so came the inception of this collaborative passion project stitched with the groundbreaking intensity of the title's famous song Edge of the Earth.

As always, I want to thank the finest stuntmen dizzy and ‪@holatontopolla2978‬ for giving me their time and patience to construct this video. It was an absolute joy to work with such wonderful people.

We sincerely hope you enjoy this video.

Subtitles created by darkdizzy.

Edge of the Earth - 30 Seconds to Mars
   • 30 Seconds to Mars - Edge of the Eart...  

#needforspeed #hotpursuitremastered #edgeoftheearth #30secondstomars


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