Spearfishing the UNCHARTED shipwreck (Griqualand -51m)

Описание к видео Spearfishing the UNCHARTED shipwreck (Griqualand -51m)

Join us on an incredible underwater adventure as the first spearfisherman takes on the challenge of diving the Griqualand shipwreck at a depth of 51 meters in South Africa, renowned by fisherman for its monster sharks and abundant shoals of Kob/Mulloway/Corvinas.
Explore the challenges of landing these formidable creatures at significant depths, where decompression sickness, sharks attacks and shallow water black out is
a stark reality.

Witness the mesmerizing marine life, the haunting beauty of the sunken vessel, and the adrenaline-pumping moments as our diver navigates the depths to bring you an unforgettable spearfishing experience. Join us in unraveling the mysteries of deep sea hunting as we navigate through dangers and rewards of spearfishing in this extraordinary underwater realm.

In the context of diving, the technique involves utilizing a Mediterranean style approach wherein the weight belt or weight is released at depth.


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