African Rock Python Cutscene Animal Attack In Ancestors | Part 61

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#Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Walkthrough Part 61 includes a All Discovery feature All Items Animals Weapons Locations Neurons Medicine Feared Enemy Combat Evolution Feats.
The Thorbjarnarson's Crocodile is a wildlife item and a predator animal.

🎥African Rock Python Cutscene Animal Attack In Ancestors
Link:   • African Rock Python Cutscene Animal A...  

***********More Animal fighting Video***************

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The African Rock Python can kill a large number of animals. The Astute Dominator of the Rock Python is the evolution feat that deals with the kills the rock python can perform.

Made the African Rock Python kill the Dorcas Gazelle
Made the African Rock Python kill the Hyena
Made the African Rock Python kill the Black-Backed Jackal
Made the African Rock Python Kill a Machairodus
Made the African Rock Python Kill the Miocene African Otter
Made the African Rock Python kill the Enemy Giant Warthog


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