The First single of Hyrule Lofi II "Colgera's Theme" is now streaming on all platforms: (unfortunately this is incorrect due to technical difficulties, however in two days it will be available for you to listen everywhere with the rest of Hyruel Lofi II)
Stream Hyrule Lofi 1:Youtube - • Hyrule Lofi [A Lo-Fi Zelda album] - Music - / hyrule-lofi
In the land of Hyrule, where legends take flight,
A tale of a hero and an ice monster's might.
Link, the valiant warrior, sword in hand,
Faced the beast aloft, in a frozen, desolate land.
Above the tempestuous storm, a boat did soar,
With oars like wings, it rose evermore.
To the platform where destiny lay in wait,
Link and Tulin, the young bird, shared their fate.
The ice creature, a sight to behold,
Centipede-esque, with mandibles, cruel and cold.
Purple wings unfurled, it cast a fearsome shadow,
In the heart of the ice storm's frigid meadow.
The winds howled and the snow swirled around,
As the battle began, with a thunderous, epic sound.
Arrows flew true, piercing scales of frost,
As Link and Tulin's mettle they'd exhaust.
With bow and arrow, Link took aim with care,
Seeking weak points on the monster's underbelly bare.
Ice arrows struck, a relentless assault,
As hero and bird gave their all, without fault.
Tulin, the bird warrior, soared high and low,
Distracting the creature, in the icy flow.
A dance in the sky, a battle of wits,
Against the ice monster, their courage never quits.
Their valor unyielding, they pressed the attack,
Facing a foe they would never turn back.
In this epic clash, amidst storm and blight,
They fought for Hyrule, with all their might.
As the sun dipped low, casting its dying light,
The beast Colgera fell, ending the epic fight.
With a final strike, their spirits rose,
The ice storm subsided, in tranquil repose.
A hero's triumph, in the heart of the storm,
Link and Tulin, their spirits transformed.
In the tales of Rito Village, their names would be told,
As saviors of their home, in stories of old.
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