Airfoil Coordinate Extraction

Описание к видео Airfoil Coordinate Extraction

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Here is the full text:

1. This tutorial covers coordinate extraction from cutting planes in AutoCAD 2014.
2. This process is useful if you're given, for example, an airfoil geometry file, and need to extract the coordinates of a 2D cross section.
3. To begin, import an existing geometry file.
4. After the file is imported, insert it into the current drawing.
5. AutoCAD provides a cutting plane toolbox on the home toolbar. Select the "Section Plane" option.
6. Notice that section planes are always generated parallel to the x-axis.
7. By toggling the "Ortho mode" option, the cursor is restricted to move along the x, y, and z axes. This option will be activated and deactivated several times throughout the remainder of the tutorial.
8. For the section plane to properly intersect the geometry, there are two options:
The geometry can be rotated about any arbitrary line with the "Rotate3D" command.
The coordinate system can be rotated. (Note that only the user coordinate system is rotated. The absolute, or "universal," coordinate system cannot be rotated or translated). (Choosing this option,)
9. Right click, then left click on the origin to see options for rotation.
10. Create a line to provide a starting point for the cutting plane.
11. Create the cutting plane. (If your cursor does not automatically snap to the end of the line, activate the "snap mode" option. F3 and/or F4)
12. Use the "Generate Section" command to create a separate 2D cross section.
13. Drop the new cross section at any arbitrary location in the drawing.
14. Left click, then right click on the cross section. Select the "Properties" option. On the properties tab, note that AutoCAD refers to this cross section as a "block reference." Block references are not editable. Also, their individual components are lumped together. This is how AutoCAD treats many kinds of new objects inserted into a drawing.
15. To make a block reference editable, use the "Explode" command.
16. Delete any unnecessary objects that were extracted by the section plane. (No unnecessary objects this time)
It may be convenient to first join the two splines.
17. To place points along the spline, use the "Divide" command. Note that the spline is not actually divided into increments.
Delete the spline to show the points
18. Use the "DataExtraction" command to export points to .CSV, .XLSX, or other formats.
19. The coordinates are not yet in a usable format. There are apostrophes inserted before each number. Highlight the entire field of numbers. Right click on the error symbol. Choose the "Convert to number" option.
20. Create a chart of the coordinates to visualize the final product.
21. The airfoil is inverted. This can be fixed with the "Rotate3D" command in AutoCAD. If the coordinates are now exported, they will be oriented correctly.
22. Finally, the airfoil can be moved to origin in this manner. The coordinates would now be centered at the origin.


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