Warhammer 40k Cheater Caught on Video at London GT (Highlights)

Описание к видео Warhammer 40k Cheater Caught on Video at London GT (Highlights)

At London GT 40k Tournament one dude playing Tau cheated on several occasions and was banned for it. Here are the main offences, clipped and explained.

"On Saturday, 19.05.2018 and Sunday, 20.05.2018, the LGT 40k Invitational Final took place between Alex Harrison and Geoff Robinson. It was a tense affair. It was late in the evening, both players were tired and had just played each other in the 40k GT just before and it was the final of a major competition, aired across the world on live stream. Also, because of the closing time of the venue, the players had to be hurried, which only added to the pressure. Accordingly, they both made honest mistakes that were retrospectively corrected, and we let them finish the final the following day so that they had enough time.

However, upon reviewing the recorded footage of the game, we have reached the conclusion that Alex did not just make honest mistakes; he appears to have engaged in player misconduct at various points during the game."


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