Why do we suffer reinjuries after a muscle injury?

Описание к видео Why do we suffer reinjuries after a muscle injury?

It is important to know that one of the most important problems in sports it's not just muscle injuries but reinjuries.

I try to make a small summary in this video about what can lead to a reinjury.

I leave here some of the bibliography about this topic.

Hägglund M, Waldén M, Ekstrand J. Risk factors for lower extremity muscle injury in professional soccer: the UEFA injury study. Am J Sports Med. 2013;41(2):327–335.

Barça Innovation Hub. Barcelona: muscle injury guide-preventing and treating muscle injuries in football. 2019. March 14 Available from: https://barcainnovationhub.com/muscle...

Wangensteen A, Tol JL, Witvrouw E, et al. Hamstring Reinjuries Occur at the Same Location and Early After Return to Sport: A Descriptive Study of MRI-Confirmed Reinjuries. Am J Sports Med. 2016;44(8):2112-2121.

Balius R, Blasi M, Pedret C et al. A Histoarchitectural Approach to Skeletal Muscle Injury: Searching for a Common Nomenclature. Orthop J Sports Med. 2020;8(3):2325967120909090.

Schmitt B, Tim T, McHugh M. Hamstring injury rehabilitation and prevention of reinjury using lengthened state eccentric training: a new concept. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2012;7(3):333-341.

Opar DA, Williams MD, Shield AJ. Hamstring strain injuries: factors that lead to injury and re-injury. Sports Med. 2012;42(3):209-226.

Ghrairi M, Loney T, Pruna R, Malliaropoulos N, Valle X. Effect of poor cooperation between coaching and medical staff on muscle re-injury in professional football over 15 seasons. Open Access J Sports Med. 2019;10:107-113.

Bengtsson H, Ekstrand J, Hägglund M. Muscle injury rates in professional football increase with fixture congestion: an 11-year follow-up of the UEFA champions league injury study. Br J Sports Med. 2013;47(12):743–747.


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