【腰梗梗必做】物理治療師馮凱怡示範腰方肌伸伸動作舒緩腰背疼痛僵硬Heidi demonstrates quadratus lumborum QL stretching ex to soothe LBP

Описание к видео 【腰梗梗必做】物理治療師馮凱怡示範腰方肌伸伸動作舒緩腰背疼痛僵硬Heidi demonstrates quadratus lumborum QL stretching ex to soothe LBP

What to do for stiff back? 😫🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️

Stiff back may be attributed to tight quadratus lumborum after prolonged sitting; it hinders the blood circulation leading to low back pain in sustained sitting position. Quadratus lumborum (QL) is the deepest abdominal muscle originated from pelvis to lumbar spine and 12th rib. QL stabilises the lumbar spine and does trunk side-bending movements. Prolonged sitting and gluteal muscle weakness may cause QL tightness.😢

Physio Heidi demonstrates the QL stretching exercise which alleviates the low back pain from muscle tightness and restores the normal spinal curvature.😌

Warm reminder: Avoid Prolonged Sitting as it exerts more loading onto the spine than walking and standing. Please stand up and move around EVERY hour!!🚶‍♀️🚶

▶️請Subscribe 我哋嘅YouTube Channel: Physio Heidi。和你躍動。Keep U Moving

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