Commodore Disk Drive 1551 vs. 1541 Speed Comparison

Описание к видео Commodore Disk Drive 1551 vs. 1541 Speed Comparison

Comparison of loading speeds of the Commodore VC 1541 Disk Drive and the very rare Commodore 1551 Drive for the 264 series computers like the C16, C116 and Plus 4.

Both are hooked up to the same Commodore 16, the 1541 is connected via the usual serial cable. The 1551 on the other hand uses a parallel connection via a hardwired module that connects to the expansion slot. In this test, the 1551 is roughly four times faster.

The C16 that both drives are connected to has a 64 kilobyte RAM expansion. I’m not quite sure but I think the demo that is being loaded needs 64k ram.


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