腌青辣椒 Pickled Green Chilies

Описание к видео 腌青辣椒 Pickled Green Chilies

市面常见的白醋主要有白米醋和人造白醋 (cuka buatan),而白米醋又会比人造白醋贵些。因为白米醋的酸是不死酸和涩,用于做腌制品风味更佳。处理青辣椒时,把青辣椒先焯水,这样不只可以去青味,也大大缩短腌制时间,只须两个小时,就能把青辣椒腌入味了。焯水的水必须是熄火后的滚水,如果开火焯水的话,青辣椒会变软化不脆口的。至于焯水时间建议是1分钟,过早青辣椒会有青味,过迟青辣椒会软化不脆口。青辣椒焯水后即刻过冷河,除了可以增加脆口口感,青辣椒的色泽会更美。下次去巴刹看到美美青辣椒时,就顺手买些回家自做腌青辣椒吧·。自家炒面是就可以配些腌青辣椒吃,美味极了!

煮时:15分钟 + 2小时腌制时间

200克 青辣椒

200克 白米醋
80克 水
100克 糖
½ 茶匙 盐

1. 洗净青辣椒,沥水切圈圈待用
2. 把材料B拌匀,文火煮滚至糖溶化,待凉备用

1. 煮滚1锅水,熄火
2. 加入青辣椒,焯水1分钟
3. 青辣椒沥水出锅入冷河,沥水移入个容器里
4. 把材料B(凉)加入青辣椒里,密封盖上
5. 青辣椒腌制2个小时后就可以吃了

1. 糖醋水可以随自己酸甜的喜好做调整

It’s important to use rice vinegar to marinate pickled green chilies so that it doesn’t taste just pure sourish, try making some yourself and taste it with a plate of fried noodles?

Portion: 1 jar
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes + 2 hours to marinate

Ingredients A:
200 g green chili

Ingredients B*:
200 g rice vinegar
80 g water
100 g sugar
½ tsp salt

1. Wash the green chili, drain & cut into ring, set aside
2. Mix all Ingredients B well, bring to boil with medium heat, leave it to cool & set aside

1. Bring a pot of water to boil, turn off the gas
2. Add green chili, blanch for 1 minute
3. Drain & transfer it into the cool water, then drain & transfer it into a container
4. Add mixture B into the container, mix well & cover
5. Marinate for 2 hours, it’s done!

1. You may adjust the vinegar mixture portions to your own preference

⚠️ 转载食谱请注明食谱来自南洋小厨
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#南洋风味家常菜单 #nanyangkitchen

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