CP 30: WWW (Where’s Wes Wilson?)

Описание к видео CP 30: WWW (Where’s Wes Wilson?)

Where’s Wes Wilson? I’ll tell you. Out sick! So everyone send your good thoughts his way so he can be well in time for the next edition.

And as you know, when we are missing one of the hosts, we miss other things. This week, it was Warpath. /Shrug — you know you hate the map too!
Here’s just a few more tidbits you can expect:

Map: Warpath
Announcement: Control Point T-Shirts now for sale!
Video: How To Play A Soldier (From Ubercharged)
Video: Flickr done in GMod (by SilverChaos)
Video: Ode to the Medic (posted by Oman)
Listener Contribution: Custom Control Point t-shirt by Ivy (thread deleted)
TF2 Wiki: Control Point Podcast page.
Listener Contributions
and much much more!


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