运-20首次亮相非洲最大航展;直击山东舰新一批舰载机飞行员完成夜间航母资质认证;勿忘国耻!九一八事变爆发93周年!致敬中国战略科学家、国家勋章和国家荣誉称号获得者—王小谟先生……中国军事新闻 解放军

Описание к видео 运-20首次亮相非洲最大航展;直击山东舰新一批舰载机飞行员完成夜间航母资质认证;勿忘国耻!九一八事变爆发93周年!致敬中国战略科学家、国家勋章和国家荣誉称号获得者—王小谟先生……中国军事新闻 解放军

The main contents of this issue of China Military News: China Air Force Y-20 debuts at the South African Aerospace and Defense Exhibition; China Navy Shandong Ship - a new batch of carrier-based aircraft pilots complete night aircraft carrier qualification certification; Never forget the national humiliation! The alarm bell will always ring! Strengthen the country and the army! The 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the September 18th Incident! Salute to Mr. Wang Xiaomo, a Chinese strategic scientist, winner of the National Medal and the National Honorary Title! Approaching a certain base of the Chinese Air Force and the "Songgufeng Special Merit Company" of the People's Liberation Army...
运-20首次亮相非洲最大航展;直击山东舰新一批舰载机飞行员完成夜间航母资质认证;勿忘国耻!九一八事变爆发93周年!致敬中国战略科学家、国家勋章和国家荣誉称号获得者—王小谟先生……中国军事新闻 解放军


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