Electronic configuration of elements Part 2/3, NCERT pattern, HINDI

Описание к видео Electronic configuration of elements Part 2/3, NCERT pattern, HINDI

Hello everyone, I am Siddharth Raj Sahu(B-Tech, IIT Bombay), in this video we will study the three laws namely Hund's rule, Pauli exclusion principle and Aufbau rule, which together determines the electronic configuration of elements.
And I will be posting videos of +2 level Science, Physics and Chemistry in accordance with NCERT pattern, hope you guys learn and enjoy!
Also wish you luck for your competitive exams like JEE Main, Advanced and NEET for admissions into IIT NIT IIIT AIIMS and other medical colleges along with class 11th and 12th exams
for more info log on to: https://evoyager.co.in/

#evoyager #Siddharthsahu #thestoryofatom #Atom #NCERT #JEEmain #JEEadvanced #structureofatom #Physics #chemistry


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