Pulmonary TB Part 2 |Risk factors| Sign&Symptoms|Complications|Medical Management|Nursing Management

Описание к видео Pulmonary TB Part 2 |Risk factors| Sign&Symptoms|Complications|Medical Management|Nursing Management

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an aerobic, acid-fast bacteria & chronic disease Therefore, it loves environments rich in oxygen and will stain bright red when stained during an acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear. Tuberculosis is most commonly found in the lungs (specifically the upper lobes), but it can also affect the brain, liver, spine, joints, and kidneys.

As a nurse you want to assess your patient for risk factors associated with contracting TB. Tuberculosis risk factors include: living in tight quarters (long-term care facilities, below or at the poverty line (homeless), immigrant or refugee, weak immune system (HIV), substance abuser (IV drugs), child less than the age of 5, smoking, alcohol addicted person, immunosuppressive Client & poor health.

Tuberculosis is an airborne infection and is spread when a person with active TB exhales the bacteria into the air via talking, sneezing, coughing, hemoptysis yelling or laughing and another person inhales the bacteria. It is important to remember that not all people who are exposed to the TB bacteria will develop active tuberculosis.

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