additive synthesis piano in SuperCollider

Описание к видео additive synthesis piano in SuperCollider

Piano made with additive synthesis (with some inspiration taken from physical models). The patch has a few minor "secret ingredients" in it but 95% of it boils down to careful tweaking of additive synth params, the DSP is not all that different from an ordinary additive synthesizer. Sequencing is a tribute to Ferneyhough's Lemma Icon Epigram.

I'm trying to practice designing more acoustic sounds in SC and ended up with this. It's pretty limited and only sounds decent for fast passages and above middle C, also the CPU usage is pretty insane, running this AND the screen recorder on my low-end laptop was a nightmare. The point here is not so much to get the best piano but to try to get into the shoes of an acoustic source so I can transfer those lessons over to more unique patches.

Sorry, this isn't on Patreon. I do want to share it eventually but I want to use it in a piece first.


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