FISM 2017 Commemorative Playing Cards Exposed! Great for both Magic and Cardistry

Описание к видео FISM 2017 Commemorative Playing Cards Exposed! Great for both Magic and Cardistry

FISM 2017 Commemorative Playing Cards Exposed!


jaspas' youtube:    / jaspasonline  
jaspas' instagram: @jaspas
jaspas' twitter: @jaspas
jaspas' facebook:   / jaspascardistry  

To get the revolutionary School of Cardistry playing cards, check out our Facebook page:   / thenewdeckorder  

For free, easy-to-follow, powerful Cardistry tutorials:
   / schoolofcardistry  

Jaspas Deck is a co-founder of The New Deck Order:
   / thenewdeckorder  

Something New by Joakim Karud   / joakimkarud  

when you think about her and your brain says no don't do that by In Love With A Ghost:    / @inlovewithaghostmusic  

Funky Music ( Vlog Music ) by Dj Quads   / aka-dj-quads   Music provided by Audio Library    • Видео  


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