Iranians in Israel

Описание к видео Iranians in Israel

What is it like to be an Iranian in Israel?
While not one day goes by without the news headlines speaking about the animosity between Iran and Israel, you would almost forget that there are also Iranians living in Israel: Iranian Jews who moved to Israel shortly after the independence of Israel or after the Islamic revolution in 1979. How does this community of nearly 250,000 souls cope with the daily tension between their homeland and their promised land? Bahram Sadeghi (born & raised Iranian and living since his eighteenth in the Netherlands) and Dikla Zeidler (born in Eilat to an Israeli father and a Dutch mother, living in the Netherlands since she was eight) decided to ask some well-known Iranian Israelis, including singer Rita Jahan-Foruz and radio host Menashe Amir, the simple question: what is it like to be an Iranian Israeli?


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