Episode 3 : Origin Story of Millennium Development Goals | MDGs Origin | SDG Plus

Описание к видео Episode 3 : Origin Story of Millennium Development Goals | MDGs Origin | SDG Plus

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(For Subtitles, please enable caption.)Millennium Development Goals or MDGs is the topic of this episode. What led to its conception? What was the role of the Brundtland Commission?

What were the goals of MDGs? Was it criticized by policymakers? Watch our episode to know these answers to all these questions. This episode hopes to introduce you to the term "sustainability".

To evaluate and test the skills you just learned visit our SDG Plus course platform https://tinyurl.com/y7rk7plz

Swiss Learning Exchange (SLX) and SDG Plus are committed to building communities focused on sustainable development and growth.

For teachers: For pedagogical materials like assessments and evaluations for this online course on sustainability, please contact us directly.

For SDG Plus visit: https://sdgplus.org/
For SLX visit: https://www.slxlearning.com

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