Dinosaur Profile: Iguanodon

Описание к видео Dinosaur Profile: Iguanodon

Iguanodon helped birth the study of dinosaurs. It has been with us for nearly 200 years and, while not always on the cutting edge, has been a barometer of how our view of dinosaurs has changed. These are the dinosaurs that we have known about for the longest, and yet they are still able to surprise us. The story of Iguanodon is far from over.

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Reference papers:
http://biblio.naturalsciences.be/rbin... Iguanodon study
https://www.academia.edu/1838475/Euro... Angloposeidon
https://core.ac.uk/reader/38807970 Carpenter ig study
https://palaeo-electronica.org/2009_3... Edmontosaurus gait
https://www.academia.edu/14551514/Had... Edmontosaurus overwintering evidence
https://royalsocietypublishing.org/do... Mantell’s Iguanodon paper
https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/20660... Mummified Edmontosaurus specimens
https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... Edmontosaurus tooth isotope study
http://eprints.esc.cam.ac.uk/3039/1/p... Wealdon taxonomy
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/... Brighstoneus description
https://www.nature.com/articles/s4159... Isle of Wight Spinosaurids
https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... Maiasaura population study

00:00 Intro
01:45 History, Gideon Mantell
03:32 History, Discovery of the first Dinosaurs
07:17 History, Richard Owen
14:24 History, Other ‘Iguanodon’ discoveries
17:34 History, The Bernissart fossils
22:30 History, The ‘Wastebucket genus’
26:02 History, David Norman
37:00 History, Recent iguanodontid finds
38:02 Size
38:30 Cretaceous environment
39:29 Feeding
43:11 Skin
43:53 Movement
46:07 Thumb spike
47:50 Predation
48:24 Group behaviour
50:23 Birth and growth
52:37 Time and place
52:54 Neighbours
56:49 Closing
57:15 Credits


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