Closing my own GAP TEETH with THIS Simple Trick! [NO BRACES]

Описание к видео Closing my own GAP TEETH with THIS Simple Trick! [NO BRACES]

The Rubber Bands 👉 (Free shipping)
Discount code: SECRET10

My Gap Teeth UPDATE 👉    • DIY: CLOSE GAP TEETH AT HOME || My Up...  
My First GAP TEETH Explanation video 👉    • CLOSE Gap Teeth FAST with Rubber Band...  
My 14 Secrets to WHITEN TEETH 👉    • 14 Secret Ways to WHITEN Your TEETH! ...  
How I Closed my Gap Teeth IN FRENCH 👉    • Réduire l'écart entre les Dents Du Bo...  

You can find those bands on Amazon too 👇

My Other Teeth Products 👇
My Teeth Whitener:
Gum Cleaners:
Dental Floss:
Gum Brushes:

Did you watch the video til the end? What was written on my red sweater? Write it in the comments bellow!


🎬 My Gear 🎥
Combo Pack:
SD Card 256 GB:

Hey! from composer: Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound from
Music from
License: CC BY (
"Winner Winner" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
Sound Effects from and Soundly

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0:00 Introduction
1:27 What do you need?
1:46 How to put it on?
2:19 Are they hygienic?
2:35 Where do I find those bands?
3:09 How long do I wear them?
3:25 During the day or at night?
3:32 How many hours?
3:35 Do I ever take it off?
3:55 How many bands each time?
4:09 Afraid of choking?
4:45 Does it hurt?
5:02 How to eat?
5:20 How to prevent it from slipping?
5:51 What’s the size?
6:14 Do loom bands work too?
6:29 Did it close permanently?
6:58 Do I wear a permanent retainer?
7:07 What is a permanent retainer?
7:19 What if I take my retainer off?
7:44 Close permanently if you wear it longer?
8:33 What’s the name of the bands?
8:46 What’s the price of the bands?
9:04 What’s the price of the retainer?
9:20 What did my dentist say?
9:40 What did my orthodontist say?
10:40 How long does it take to get a retainer?
10:50 Did my gums bleed?
11:15 Does it work for gaps on the sides?
11:29 Does it work on the bottom teeth?
11:44 Will this create gaps on the side?
12:15 Can my child do this?
12:40 Is this safe?
12:55 Will my teeth fall off?
13:25 Is my gap too big to do this?

This video is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor, dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
©Copyright Gabiche, 2021. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned. Please contact the creator for authorization before any use. (Simply sharing the original YouTube-link of my videos to your friends, family or blog is not violating the rules, no worries 😉)
Disclaimer: certain links in description are affiliate links. Recommended products are tested and completely approved! Happy shopping! :-) #DIY
#GapTeeth #RubberBands


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