HUSTEF 2017 - Arpad Toth, How protractor beats Selenium

Описание к видео HUSTEF 2017 - Arpad Toth, How protractor beats Selenium

Have you ever heard of one of the latest automation tools which is called Protractor? If you are testing a web-based application this is a must-have framework. You have to give it a try! Nowadays Protractor is more and more popular because of some handy features like:
No need to use explicit/implicit waits or insert sleep. Dynamic waits are built in
Locating elements is much easier
Uses Jasmine, one of the most popular testing framework
Easy to learn if you are familiar with JavaScipt world
Supports many browsers even in headless mode
In this presentation, we will go through Protractor from the beginning to advanced usage. The main points are:

Your first test in protractor
Finding elements
About configuration files
Locator strategies
The world of page objects
Cross-browser testing in Browserstack
Best practices


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