ENG501 Short Lecture 02/ VU/ Highlighted notes

Описание к видео ENG501 Short Lecture 02/ VU/ Highlighted notes

ENG501 - Introduction to Language | Lecture 2

Welcome back to another lecture on ENG501: Introduction to Language! In this video, we’ll continue exploring key concepts of linguistics that are crucial for students pursuing Bachelor's and Master's in English Linguistics. This lecture is designed to help you understand the foundational aspects of language, which will aid you in your academic journey.

I am also in the process of uploading the full ENG502 course to support Virtual University students as well as others studying English Linguistics. If you haven't watched Lecture 1 yet, be sure to check it out, as this lesson builds on what we've covered so far.

Join me in this detailed and engaging session, and let’s make linguistics easier to grasp for everyone!
#eng501 #vustudy #virtualuniversity #englishlinguistics


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