The Lancet Countdown Report on Health and Climate Change in Europe: Insights from Italy

Описание к видео The Lancet Countdown Report on Health and Climate Change in Europe: Insights from Italy

This webinar explores the italian regional version of the Lancet Countdown global report, published in mid-May, focusing on the impact of climate change on health in the European region.
A Lancet author (Elisa Gallo, IS Global) presents the European report, followed by six interventions that zoom in on Italy, addressing six key indicators: heat, drought and floods, climate-sensitive infectious diseases, air pollution, sustainable diets, and public and political engagement.
Italy, along with Southern Europe, is frequently identified as a "hotspot" for the effects of the climate crisis on health and society. The Lancet Countdown and the European Environment Agency highlighted these critical issues in their May reports.

Introduction and housekeeping - Francesca Zanni (University of Bologna)
Presentation of the event and of the institutional speakers - Carla Ancona (Italian Association of Epidemiology)
Institutional Remarks - Italian Ministry of Health - Pasqualino Rossi (Ministry of Health)
Institutional Remarks - Italian National Institute of Health - Marco Martuzzi (Italian National Institute of Health)
The Lancet Countdown Report on Health and Climate Change in Europe - Eisa Gallo (IS Global)
Climate Change and Health in Italy: exposures, impacts, mitigation actions, and health co-benefits - moderator: Michele Carugno (Italian Association of Epidemiology)
Heat - Francesca de' Donato (Dep Lazio)
Drought/Floods - Giuseppe Bortone (ARPAE Emilia Romagna)
Climate sensitive infectous diseases - Marco Tamba (IZS Lombardia E-R) & Paola Angelini (Regione Emilia Romagna)
Air Pollution - Andrea Ranzi (ARPAE Emilia Romagna)
Sustainable Diets - Lorenzo Mangone (Imperial College London)
Public and political engagement - Anna Gerometta (Cittadini per l'aria)

Discussion - Carla Ancona, Francesca Zanni, Lorenzo Richiardi

Conclusions - Lorenzo Richiardi

00:00 Francesca Zanni
02:00 Carla Ancona
02:47 Pasqualino Rossi
07:02 Marco Martuzzi
12:20 Michele Carugno
13:18 Elisa Gallo
35:50 Francesca de' Donato
43:43 Giuseppe Bortone
51:52 Marco Tamba
1:00:46 Andrea Ranzi
1:09:12 Lorenzo Mangone
1:16:53 Anna Gerometta
1:24:48 Discussion
1:34:12 Conclusion


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