Dodonpachi Saidaioujou EXA Label Mode - 863 billion Inbachi ALL (by LEN)

Описание к видео Dodonpachi Saidaioujou EXA Label Mode - 863 billion Inbachi ALL (by LEN)

Player: LEN
Ship: Type B
Score: 863,905,577,939
Date: 2021/5/29
Location: Game Center Wai Wai, Tokyo
Game Version: EXA Label version
Notes: 1CC, including Inbachi
Source: Video captured from a Twitch livestream.

It seems this is the current WR in EXA label mode.

Due to technical difficulties during the livestream, there is NO SOUND and the video freezes in parts, so some content is missing as a result.

This is part of the CAVE-STG.COM replay archive project.


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