Saofa'i Ceremony - Getting a Samoan Matai Title

Описание к видео Saofa'i Ceremony - Getting a Samoan Matai Title

Samoan Matai titles (suafa, literally "formal name") are bestowed upon family members during a cultural ceremony called a saofa'i.

The saofa'i marks the formal acceptance of a new matai by their family and village into the circle of chiefs and orators. It involves the gathering of chiefs and orators in a fale tele meeting house, the exchanging of oratory speeches, the reciting of genealogies and an ava ceremony followed by a feast provided by the new matai's family.

For many Samoans living in the diaspora this age old highly significant ceremony can be hard to follow and understand - luckily for kiwi Samoan actor Fasitua Amosa, his father Rev Asora Amosa who is bestowed a title with him, breaks down all the elements of their saofa'i for all the new generations who want to know. 

Here is their story of their special day, and some of the meanings behind the ritual of a Samoan saofa'i.


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