【参加型】初見ちゃん枠あり!人魚と『遊戯王 マスターデュエル』#57【ティアライトロード 練習🧜‍♀️🪽】

Описание к видео 【参加型】初見ちゃん枠あり!人魚と『遊戯王 マスターデュエル』#57【ティアライトロード 練習🧜‍♀️🪽】

60枚デッキは1年ぶりかも🃏 タイムアウトにならないように頑張る…!

🌟初見ちゃん・初参加の子:3名 / 過去に参加してくれたことがある子:5名 (合計8名)くらいまで


 ・いっしょに遊べる子は〘《参加希望》と ①か②の当てはまる番号 〙をコメントしてね(ソフトで管理しているから、《》内の言葉は正しく入力してね)


🤍About participatory duels🤍
🌟First-time participants: 3 people / People who have participated in the past: Up to 5 people (8 people in total)
🌟For 1 hour from the start of the distribution, only [first-time participants] and [people who have not played in the previous distribution] will participate ○, and after 1 hour, [anyone] will participate ○

First-time participants: ①
People who have participated in the past: ②

・If you would like to participate, please comment《I want to participate》and the number that applies to ① or ②. (it is managed by software, so be sure to enter the words in 《》.)
・If the name on YouTube and the name in the game are different, please tell me along with ↑.
・After commenting, please sit at any available table before the broadcast ends.(Please note that the order in which you requested to participate is not the order in which you will play.)
・I will play in the order of tables 1 to 5.
・The broadcast will end when there are no more people sitting at tables after the participation deadline.

※To prevent trouble, please do not give advice during duels, give advice or point out to other players, or duel between participants.


🤍 人魚とのお約束 🤍
🌼コメントができない子は わたしが頑張る姿を見守ってくれると心強いわ!
・アドバイス○ 基本的には自分で考えて遊びたい!うまくできない時はお願いするから優しく助けてほしいな
・ネタバレ× わたしの進行度より先はないしょにしてね(先の展開を予想させるような内容や「ネタバレしちゃおうかな」みたいな冗談もだめよ)
・わたしや誰かが困るコメントや 配信内容と関係がないお話はしないでね
・ほかの活動者様の配信でわたしの名前やチャンネル名を出さないでね(わたしにも ほかの活動者様のことは話さないでね)

🌙すべてのコメントを読めないことがあるわ ごめんね💧


I'm mermaid "Prima Luna".
I live in the sea.

🤍 A Promise with a Mermaid 🤍
🌼Feel free to comment if you like!
🌼For those who don't like talking, it would be very reassuring if they could watch me work hard!
・Advice ○ Basically, I want to think and play by myself! I would be happy if you kindly help me when I can't do well.
・Spoilers × Don't say anything beyond my progress. (Please don't make jokes like "I think I'll spoil the story.")
・Please don't make comments that cause trouble for me or anyone else, or talk about things that are unrelated to the content of the stream.
・Please don't mention my name or channel name in other streamers' streams. (please don't talk about other streamers to me.)

🌙Due to progress, I may not be able to read the comments. Sorry. 💧

🩰subscribe:primermaid(    / @primermaid67   )
🎄memberships:   / @primermaid67  
🕊twitter:@ primermaid67(   / primermaid67   )
🛍goods:primarche( https://primermaid67.booth.pm/ )
📱line stamp:https://line.me/S/sticker/22826792
💠hashtag:# primermaid

🎵bgm:FUJINEQo様( Twitter :   / fujineqo   | Youtube :    / fujineqomusic   )『Summer Calm』
🐕effect etc.:わんコメ様( https://onecomme.com/ )

#遊戯王マスターデュエル #遊戯王 #初見さん大歓迎 #ゲーム実況


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