Final Fantasy VII - Super Secret Boss (New Threat mod, MAJOR SPOILERS)

Описание к видео Final Fantasy VII - Super Secret Boss (New Threat mod, MAJOR SPOILERS)

The super secret boss fight in the New Threat mod.

For my setup and strategy, I equip everyone with their most defensive gear. Cloud uses Aegis Armlet to tank most of the damage, and Cover to block some of the boss's combo attacks. Everyone has Protect Ring equipped to get their defensive buffs at the beginning of the battle.

Great Gospel and Gospel Spark let you use Knights of the Round without taking damage from the tentacles' revenge strike. Cloud uses Climhazzard rather than Omnislash since it lets you target the boss, and reduces the boss's Defence and Magic Defence by 10%. Other than KotR, the battle strategy relies on Cloud blocking attacks and using two Counter Attack materias and a Counter-Mime to beat the boss with counter attacks. Synthesis Cell greatly increases all of Cloud's stats (especially attack and defence) and makes him resistant to status ailments, allowing him to properly tank most of the attacks, and counter with devastating blows.


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