My life would suck without you | Multifandom

Описание к видео My life would suck without you | Multifandom

I made an edit to this song more than 2 years ago but it got blocket because of a scene, and i've always wanted to make it again. Some of the scenes are the same but most are new from new kdramas. Well i hope you guys enjoy it!

Song: My life would suck without you by Kelly Clarkson

I don't own anything except the editing!

Twenty five twenty one
True beauty
Youth of may
It's okay to not be okay
My sassy girl (movie)
Hometown cha cha cha
See you in my 19th life
Crash course in romance
King the land
Love to hate you
Love 911 (movie)
Fight for my way
The king eternal monarch
A business proposal
Once upon a small town
Oh my ghost
Extraordinary you
Soundtrack 1
Angel's last mission
Crash landing on you
Lawless lawyer
Alchemy of souls
My lovely liar
The good bad mother

#kdrama #kdramaedit #edit #multifandom #fanvidfeed #fmv #itsokaytonotbeokay #youthofmay #seeyouinmy19thlife #kimsohyun #chataehyun #seoyeaji #kimsoohyun #limyoona #leejunho #kingtheland


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