90 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight

Описание к видео 90 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight

⬆️⬆️    • 100 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
⬆️    • 95 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
⬇️    • 85 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
⬇️⬇️    • 80 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  

90 bpm drum beat 4/4

   • 30 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum ...  
   • 40 BPM - Simple Straight Beat  

   • 50 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 60 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 65 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 70 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 75 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 80 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 85 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 90 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 95 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  

   • 100 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 105 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 110 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 120 BPM Drum Beat - Simple Straight  
   • 130 BPM Simple Straight Beat - Drum T...  
   • 140 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum...  

   • 150 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum...  
   • 160 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum...  
   • 170 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum...  
   • 180 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum...  
   • 190 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum...  
   • 200 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum...  

#90bpm #drumtrack #simplebeat

The best sounding drumming tracks & loops for playing, jamming, practicing or composing.
Use it like a cool metronome. Pop, Rock. It shows the measure number at the top left.
90 Beats per Minute 4/4

Rhythm, derived from the Greek word "rhythmos," signifies a repeated and symmetric motion or pattern. This concept broadly encompasses any periodic natural phenomenon, with patterns that can occur in time frames ranging from mere microseconds to several years. For instance, a rock song's riff or the recurring cycles of nature fall within this scope. Rhythm plays a crucial role in various forms of art and daily life, influencing patterns in music, dance, spoken language, and even architectural designs.

The essence of rhythm is evident in its relation to elements such as pulse, meter, and beats. A fundamental aspect of rhythm involves the arrangement and perception of beats within a group, where typically, unaccented beats complement a primary accented beat. This interplay creates a dynamic flow within music and poetry, which becomes the basis for various artistic expressions. Notably, in performance arts like dance and music, timing is paramount—where the sequence of sounds and silences orchestrates the overall rhythmical experience.

Moreover, rhythm extends beyond the audible; it influences the visual and spatial realms. For example, architects might discuss the rhythm of a structure, referring to the regular spacing of windows or columns that creates a visual harmony. This concept of rhythm as "timed movement through space" also connects with geometrical patterns, providing a shared language across different artistic and scientific fields.

Recent scholarly efforts have further explored rhythm's complexities, with researchers like Maury Yeston and Fred Lerdahl delving into the nuances of rhythm and meter in music. Their work underscores the deep-seated relationship between rhythm and human cognitive processes, such as the perception and anticipation of musical patterns.

In popular culture, rhythm's influence is palpable, with Howard Goodall in his series "How Music Works" suggesting that human rhythmic sense mirrors the regularity of walking and the heartbeat. This notion aligns with other theories that link rhythm to the speed of emotional responses rather than direct cardiac functions. This connection to emotion and cognition hints at the evolutionary significance of rhythm, suggesting that rhythmic capabilities might have been crucial for early human social organization and survival, as proposed by Joseph Jordania. He posits that rhythm helped forge collective identities and facilitated communal activities like warfare and ritual, enhancing group cohesion and effectiveness.

Interestingly, the human affinity for rhythm is seemingly unique in the animal kingdom. While some animals like certain parrots can perceive rhythm, neurologist Oliver Sacks notes that broader animal species, including chimpanzees, do not show a comparable appreciation or capability to synchronize with rhythmic beats. This unique human trait underscores the role of rhythm in cultural and social structures, possibly even influencing courtship rituals.

From a technical perspective, rhythm involves the discernment of distinct pulses within a background of silence, a concept particularly relevant in music where instruments like drums define rhythmic patterns. Musical traditions around the world, from the polyrhythms of Sub-Saharan Africa to the intricate rhythmic structures in Indian, Persian, Arabic, and Turkish music, showcase the diversity and complexity of rhythmic interpretation and its foundational role in human culture and artistic expression.


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