So What Else Is New? (Woman of the Year) 1981, Harry Guardino and Katz

Описание к видео So What Else Is New? (Woman of the Year) 1981, Harry Guardino and Katz

For animation and Broadway fans alike, here is a clip of the animated duet between Harry Guardino (as cartoonist Sam Craig) Katz, the pen and ink creation of animator Michael Sporn and Tony Walton, from the 1981 Broadway musical "Woman of the Year." I upload it here since I haven't seen a crisper copy of the animated segments than in this audience recording. From Sporn's own blog:

"It turned out to be a very intense production. Three minutes of animation turned into twelve as each segment was more successful than the last. There was no time for pencil tests. I had to run to Boston, where the show was in try-outs, to project different segments weekly; these went into the show that night – usually Wednesdays. I’d rush to the lab to get the dailies, speed to the editor, Sy Fried, to synch them up to a click track that was pre-recorded, then race to the airport to fly to the show for my first screening. Any animation blips would have to be corrected on Thursdays."

The full blog post can be read here: Sporn also claims that he still has the original animation film, but has never transferred it to DVD. Anyone wanna start a GoFundMe to get one going?

Taken from a video of the full show recorded with the original cast in 1981. Audio paired from a different source once Katz's voice shows up.


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