Harvest 2019

Описание к видео Harvest 2019

Excellent article from 2010 by Martin A. Lee that recaps research on the discovery of the endocannabinoid system - ⁠

"Initially identified by Allyn Howlett and William Devane, cannabinoid receptors turned out to be far more abundant in the brain than any other type of neurotransmitter receptor...Not surprisingly, they are concentrated in regions responsible for mental and physiological processes: the hippocampus (memory), cerebral cortex (higher cognition), the cerebellum (motor coordination), the basal ganglia (movement), the hypothalamus (appetite), the amygdala (emotions) and elsewhere." ⁠

"Researchers soon identified a second type of cannabinoid receptor, dubbed “CB2,” which is prevalent throughout the immune system and the peripheral nervous system. CB2 receptors are also present in the gut, spleen, liver, heart, kidneys, bones, blood vessels, lymph cells, endocrine glands, and reproductive organs. The CB1 receptor mediates psychoactivity. CB2 regulates the immune response. Marijuana does so much and is such a versatile medicine because it acts everywhere, not just in the brain."⁠


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