Robin Hood

Описание к видео Robin Hood

In memory of Chinggis Khaan's 840th Birthday Celebration!

The medieval period. This was a time when the true symbolic Arthur was formed. The Arthur who fought with dragons or serpents; the Arthur who married his Guinevere - the Queen of Serpents; the Arthur who would have a shape-shifting father named Uther, another term for Zeus. This was also the time when another character emerged who was also joined with a peculiar female counterpart and who materialized from the mists of history as a mythical hero. This hero was Robin Hood.

Etymologically Robin comes from the Norman 'Robert,' a form of the Germanic Hrodebert and it originally meant 'famous' or 'bright' or even and more pertinently 'to shine.' This is and has always been an indication of one who has achieved illumination or enlightenment.

Robin Hood is therefore the 'Bright Hood,' a similar name to the Naga serpent worshippers or deities of India, with their illuminated serpent or cobra hoods. As many have previously stated there are strong links between the origins of Robin Hood and the Green Man, who is also the ancient Egyptian god Osiris and the Greek-Roman god Dionysus/Bacchus, and so we should hope to find something of interest in the many stories surrounding this enigmatic character.

There are elements of the Robin Hood myth that relate to other legends. The 'tree of life' is seen as 'Robin's Larder Tree,' supplying all that could be required like the 'Horn of Plenty' or the 'cauldron' of Celtic folklore.

Robin's link with the 'Horned God' is also telling as he is Lord and Master over the human 'animals' of the Forest and they are guardians of their stolen treasure, like the hoarding, serpent Nagas of Hinduism. They do good deeds for those who deserve them and dastardly deeds to those who do not. The horned element is also telling, as the horns were symbolic of enlightenment or illumination, just as Moses is often depicted with horns whereas the meaning is simply 'shining.' We must also remember that Moses was taught in Egypt, the home of the Green Man Osiris, and that Moses was the one who raised the Brazen Serpent in the wilderness to heal the people of Israel.

In the connected tales of Robin Goodfellow, the 'trickster of the woods' also known as Puck, there is also the link of Sib, the fairy who lives in the hillside and is linked as being a 'serpent spirit' of healing. Robin falls in love with his lady of the waters or Queen of Heaven (a title also given to Isis the sister/wife of Osiris and also a title given to Guinevere) later to be known as the Maid Marion (Marion/Mary coming from Mer = Sea/water/wisdom) and in many ways is undermining the new Christian world that forced itself upon this ancient mixture of paganism.

Puck incidentally is thought to have a much older pedigree, being traced back to an Irish Pan-like deity known as Pouka. Indeed, Robin Goodfellow is said to be born of a human mother and a god-like father in the form of Oberon (king of the fairies and Ob meaning serpent.) He is also green like the 'Green Man,' which is the special healing color attributed to many things surrounding the serpent cult — such as the Emerald Tablet, the color of initiation into Gnostic mysteries associated with the Masons, and the Green Glass of the Grail.

What we also find however in some of the earlier tales is that Robin Hood and Little John - like Jesus and John the Baptist - were equals. Walter Bower, in the 15th century, said that Robin Hood together with Little John and their companies rose to prominence. This in itself points out that both Robin and John were seen to each have their own followers very much like Jesus and John. They are therefore and must be the 'twins' of Gnosticism, like Castor and Pollux - the duality and balance.

Tammuz, Adonis and Osiris are vegetation gods of greenness. Indeed Osiris himself in the Pyramid Texts at Saqqara is called the 'Great Green' and often appears green skinned as a symbol of 'resurrection and life.' The battle between Osiris and Set seems all the more familiar now in the struggle that ensues between Robin and his archrival the Sheriff of Nottingham. Osiris becomes Horus when resurrected and we find that it is Horus who is protected by the Wadjet snake — the green snake. Even in the way he dies there are links with older mysteries. Robin is ritualistically bled to death like the ancient pagan sacrifices. The deed is done by the Abbess of Kirklees, who acts as the priestess in some ancient pagan ritual. Could it be that the tales of Robin are more ancient than previously believed? Could they really be tales of ancient Egypt and even Sumeria? Passed down over millennia and altered by time?

Temuujin Chingis Khaan was born on 25 dec 1166.


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