KZ Megaron - KOMM, JESU, KOMM (Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV 229)

Описание к видео KZ Megaron - KOMM, JESU, KOMM (Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV 229)

KZ Megaron – KOMM, JESU, KOMM (Johann Sebastian Bach)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750): Komm, Jesu, komm
Komorni zbor Megaron in baročni orkester
Dirigent: Gary Graden
Koncertna mojstrica: Maria Lindal

Koncert KZ Megaron, Slovenska filharmonija, Ljubljana 2020.

Veliki baročni skladatelj in orgelski virtuoz Johann Sebastian Bach je s svojimi intelektualno globokimi, tehnično in estetsko dovršenimi deli navdihoval in še navdihuje mnoge glasbenike. V njegovem opusu najdemo vse od enostavnih skladb do obsežnih oratorijev. Skladal je za vse inštrumente, glasove in zasedbe.

Besedilo za pogrebni motet Komm, Jesu, komm je napisal nemški pesnik Paul Thymich za skladatelja Johanna Schelleja. J. S. Bach je kasneje prve in zadnje verze uporabil za svoj istoimenski motet za dva zbora. Delo nežnega in intimnega karakterja govori o radostnem trenutku, ko se lahko človek, utrujen od zemeljskega življenja, zaupa Jezusu, ki je pot, resnica in življenje (prim. Jn 14,6).

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Megaron Chamber Choir – KOMM, JESU, KOMM (Johann Sebastian Bach)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750): Komm, Jesu, komm
Megaron Chamber Choir with a Baroque orchestra
Conductor: Gary Graden
Concert master: Maria Lindal

Megaron Chamber Choir concert, Slovenian Philharmonics, Ljubljana 2020

The great Baroque composer and a real virtuoso, Johann Sebastian Bach, keeps inspiring musicians with his intelligent, technically and aesthetically perfect musical works. His opus offers everything from simple pieces to the great oratorios. He wrote music for a variety of instruments, voices and ensembles.

The text for the funeral motet Komm, Jesu, Komm was written by the German poet Paul Thymich for the composer Johann Schelle. Johann Sebastian Bach later used the first and last lines of the poem for his eponymous motet for two choirs. The intimate piece tells of the joyous moment when a man, tired of this Earth, can give himself over to Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life.

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