Hi-do - Melody air horn

Описание к видео Hi-do - Melody air horn

The new hi-do Melody air horn can blast 12 melodies! Including the popular Baby Shark and Coffin Dance tunes! The hi-do Melody comes with two control buttons; one for changing the melody and one to blast the horn. For use in trucks, agricultural machines and busses. 100% made in Turkey, Istanbul.
Now in stock: https://www.k-po.com/all-products/air...


Baby Shark
Dat Diri Dat Dat
Final Countdown
Turkish melody I
Turkish film music
Turkish melody II
Coffin Dance
Triple Arabia
Triple Arabia fast
Bam Bam
Nuri Alco

We recommend for the hi-do Melody an air tank capacity of at least 10 liter.


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