Episode 41: Recovering from SIBO: Digestive Health Strategies

Описание к видео Episode 41: Recovering from SIBO: Digestive Health Strategies

Living a Nutritious Life podcast

In this exciting episode of Living a Nutritious Life, we are excited to welcome Krystyna Houser, a visionary entrepreneur.

About Our Guest: Krystyna’s determination to heal her GI issues and continue enjoying food and life was the guiding spirit behind mBIOTA.

After having her third baby, Krystyna started experiencing severe bloating, rashes, and brain fog. She sought medical treatment only to be told her symptoms were mental health or postpartum-related. After refusing to accept those answers, she continued to seek help and eventually was diagnosed with SIBO.

What You'll Learn in This Episode:
The importance of the microbiome for overall health.
Krystyna’s experience and insights into the elemental diet.
The development and success of the mBIOTA elemental diet for managing SIBO.
Episode Highlights:
[04:15] Krystyna’s personal health journey and challenges with SIBO.
[15:20] The genesis of mBIOTA and the development process of its elemental diet.
[22:45] mBIOTA’s effectiveness compared to traditional antibiotics.
[36:00] Krystyna’s daily health routine and wellness tips.

About Living a Nutritious Life Podcast
Welcome to the Living a Nutritious Life podcast with Keri Glassman, MS, RDN, CDN, where we break down the latest nutrition science into smart, actionable tips to help you live your most nutritious life.

On the Living a Nutritious Life podcast, Keri and her world-renowned guests cut through the noise, sharing unparalleled, forward-thinking tips, tricks, and the latest in health, wellness, and nutrition science.

Why is nurturing your fascia just as important as what’s being put on your plate? What foods in your pantry are silently disrupting your microbiome? How can hugging actually reduce inflammation in your body?

Based on Keri’s whole-person approach to healthy living, each impactful episode extends far beyond the simplistic “get more sleep” and “eat your greens” advice. She connects the dots like no one else – like how morning yoga can make it easier to choose a healthy lunch, leading to better sleep at night.

Listen as Keri and her expert guests explore the physiological and behavioral connections that explain, for example, why the common wisdom around dieting and exercising alone doesn’t work, so you can finally make the meaningful changes you’ve been looking for.

Thank you for listening in to this episode of Living a Nutritious Life. We hope you enjoyed the conversation as much as we did! If you found value in this episode, please RATE, REVIEW and SHARE.

Are you ready to dive into the world of nutrition and wellness even deeper and become a certified nutrition coach? Join our amazing global community of like-minded students and alumni. Get in on the action—enroll in our Become a Nutrition Coach program at nutritiouslife.com/bnc. Keri has a lot to teach, and we’re here to help you get started on your journey!

Connect with Krystyna Houser:
mBiota Website: https://mbiotaelemental.com/
Instagram: ‪@elementaldiet‬
Instagram: @krystynahouser

Links Mentioned in the Episode:
Testing for SIBO: https://www.triosmartbreath.com/
Post-diet protocols: https://mbiota.com/pages/mbiota-clini...
Get 15% OFF when you purchase any of mBiota products. Use code KERI15: https://mbiota.com/pages/shop-all-plans

Connect with Keri on social:
Become a Nutrition Coach:

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#LivingaNutritiousLife #NutritiousLife


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