Quirky Quarks : Tutorial Video

Описание к видео Quirky Quarks : Tutorial Video

"Quirky Quarks is a game inspired by the world of particle physics, in which players will collect elementary particles to build quests, trying to gain the most points in order to be crowned as the Nobel laureate."

more on quirkyquarks.com
buy the game on amazon.com
or play the online version on boardgamearena.com

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:35 - Presentation of Box
00:01:52 - Decks of Cards
00:04:44 - Board Setup
00:05:48 - Funding Phase
00:06:09 - Research Phase
00:08:04 - Ejection Phase
00:09:04 - Discovery Phase
00:11:25 - Quest Phase
00:12:29 - Funding Phase 2
00:13:08 - Final Scoring


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